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Chemnitz, 27.04.2016: Seit kurzem heißt das SIEBEL HUB auch die dimensio informatics willkommen. Das englisch-sprachige SIEBEL HUB ist der offizielle Blog der weltweiten Siebel Community mit über 1.800 Artikeln und Beiträgen aus und für das gesamte Oracle Siebel Ökosystem. In seinem aktuellen Artikel "dimensio informatics boosts Siebel database performance" berichtet der Blog, wie DIMENSIO die Siebel-Abfragen mit nur geringem Aufwand sowie minimal-invasiv in den Bereich "gefühlter Echtzeit" beschleunigen kann. Des Weiteren wird dimensio informatics im Adressverzeichnis der Siebel-Integratoren und -Zulieferer aufgeführt.
Auszug aus dem Artikel:
"Here at the Siebel Hub, we are always on the watch for technologies that make our lives easier. Today we want to introduce you to Chemnitz, Germany based dimensio informatics which specializes in AI based data indexing. What does it have to do with Siebel CRM, a lot actually.
DIMENSIO, the main product, is based on the principle of artificial neural networks. This enables DIMENSIO to independently group data records within a database according to their contextual dependencies and is able to create multi-dimensional index structures. Due to its semantic index DIMENSIO achieves significant performance gains in highly complex database queries by up to a factor of 1,000 or higher, making it a perfect partner for big data applications.
When employed for complex analyses of structured and unstructured data, DIMENSIO reduces the processing time from hours to a few seconds. While doing so, DIMENSIO easily integrates into existing databases and IT landscapes in a minimally invasive way. This unique Power Application achieves an enormous acceleration
- without the need to change the structure of databases
- without time-consuming and costly conventional tuning methods
- without having to buy additional licenses or hardware.
DIMENSIO is a multi-dimensional semantic index for databases with high-dimensional data and comprises a classification and a management component. This method of classifying database content uses artificial neural networks for parameter-free classification and is able to group data records within a database according to their contextual dependencies. This group is then transferred to a highly efficient management structure, which is similar to an R-tree (or so-called V-tree).
The backbone of DIMENSIO is a learning process that applies neuronal networking to create a multi-dimensional representation of the data which could be visualized as follows."